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Additional Services

House Cleaning

Dusting, Vacuuming, Mopping, Wiping down kitchen counter, Cabinets,  Inside and out microwave oven, Stove top,  Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Emptying trash, Clean and disinfect bathroom tubs,  sink, toilet, mirrors, Checking for cobwebs, Clean ceiling fans, Clean glass doors and door walls Putting dishes in or out of dishwasher  by request, Spot clean door frames and doors


After Party Cleaning


Had a party or event the night before now your overwheled with a clean up?  Relax we are happy to assist you with our after party clean-up package.

Deep Spring Cleaning


Deep Cleaning (extra fee): includes wipe in and out appliances, clean and wipe down cupboards, drawers, counters, wipe down baseboard, windows and sill, cobwebs including basement, vacuum inside closet, wipe down shelves, and high dusting

Carpet Cleaning


We put our heart and soul in cleaning your carpet (upon request) our effort is to satisfy our customers with high quality cleaning, so your carpet is just as new as the day you purchase it

One bedroom apartment    $40

Two bedroom apartment   $45

Three bedroom townhome $50

Condo $60                       

House $70

Small office space $80

Large office space $90

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